Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Basic Ideas

Ok, so as previously mentioned, I spent my entire afternoon drawing and sketching. Escaping, which was good for me. These are some of the rough drawings (please don't judge, I know I'm no artist) of the place I'll hopefully be living, and what I'd like for it to maybe look like.

The pictures were only taken using Photo Booth on my Mac, so the colours are washed out and probably barely visible. The kitchen isn't coloured because they'll be changing the countertops before I move in, and I can't very well fantasize about what it'll look like when I have no idea. I held up some paint chips for some pictures, but again, because of lighting and whatnot they're probably not showing up right. The bedroom is the room I'm most looking forward to.

Either way, here's the proof of my afternoon. if you're wondering what the first picture is, it's me making copies of past sketches using my mom's light box from the studio downstairs.

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