Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Table Time

I spent the day fixing up what will be my dining room/kitchen table for the apartment. And I must say, it looks gooooooooooooood!

The colour wasn't exactly what I'd hoped for (I'm very fussy when it comes to paint colours) but it still looks fantastic, in my own humble opinion. Very retro-cute. It's all the more admired by me considering what my friend and I went through today to paint the damned thing -- ended up stuck outside in the middle of a raging thunderstorm (right overhead; lighting and thunder barely had a second between them) under a tarp. We survived, though maybe a little wetter than initially planned. Anyway, here's the result of our hard labour!

Before anything is done to it. Note the sander, standing by.

After a light sanding.

Primer time.

All white, ready for colour.

It turned out a little too light, and a little too far towards blue, rather than green. But it ain't so bad.. it's still definitely a very nice colour.

Ta da! Set and ready for use, complete with my two chairs (they still need to be cleaned up and painted a new fresh coat of white, though).

This table can also be made smaller, if the centre leaf is folded away. Equally cute.

Ain't it just the cutest thing?

All in all, I'm very proud. I purposely left some of the dings and paint blotches around to keep it feeling a little bit shabby-chic, somehow. I like it when things retain a little of their history.

Getting more excited to move in as days go by.

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